Tanya Kamila




“Nurturing Harmony, Elevating Lives.”

Berkembang bersama kami.

Job Type                                 : Full-time

Job responsibilities                : Mencapai target penjualan dengan mencari

  pelanggan baru, menggali kebutuhan pelanggan

  serta menjalin hubungan baik dengan klien

Tasks                                       :

  • Menganalisis target pasar (B2B & B2C)
  • Menganalisa competitor
  • Menyusun strategi penjualan produk
  • Rutin mencari target pelanggan baru
  • Rutin follow up pelanggan lama
  • Menawarkan produk
  • Membuat laporan kunjungan
  • Membuat rekap hasil penjualan

Specific Skills                          :

  • Strong interpersonal, communication and Negotiation skill.
  • Highly self-motivated and ambitious in achieving goals
  • Agile to work in flexible situation, ready for outdoor task and working in team

Education                               : S1

Experience                              : Sales in the related industry for 1-3 years (Preferably

                                                  Sales with experience in Hospital/Clinic/Pharmacy/

                                                  Medical devices


Company Information:

Name              : JP Wellness Center

Industry          : Health and Wellness

Location          : On-Site

Sales Excecutives


Kirimkan lamaran anda via email.

Dengan mengisi subject kode lamaran SALES/JPWC: hrd@jpwellnesscenter.com